Saturday, December 16, 2006

A Visit to CHOP

I'm recovering from the week. I haven't really felt too great all week, but managed through. Jot's eye has been giving him trouble and Tim took him to the ER at CHOP Thursday morning. Most of you reading this probably got updates on all that... but in a nutshell: they admitted him for testing, he had a CT scan and an MRI and was released late on Friday. Essentially, there is concern, but nothing critically urgent, so he will see his specialists on Tuesday morning. I drove all the kids down to Philly last night to drop off Hannah and pick up Jot. Hannah and Tim had planned to spend the night in Philly so he could work and she could attend the junior high gym night last night and the Salvation Army innercity outreach this morning... so I took her down and Tim stayed too. It was a lot of driving last night. I didn't sleep too great but we're doing OK. I'm looking forward to having everyone home tonight.

All the medical stuff has pushed our Christmas cards off again. I had hoped to have them out last week, but Tim hasn't had time to write our letter and I haven't made time to sit down and get the things addressed. Some are nearly done now as I worked some this morning on them and Tim said he'd do the letter tomorrow, so hopefully all will go out on Monday. I still have gifts to mail as well. Oh well, it'll get done eventually.

It has been unseasonably warm here and it is starting to be depressing :) It has been in the 60s and for December in the mountains that just isn't right! I'm ready for cold weather and snow. We've usually had a big snowfall by now. Maybe next week?

1 comment:

Angie @ Many Little Blessings said...

Jen -- I can SO empathize on the Christmas cards! I have mine in a stack waiting to be all put together, and only finally just picked up some Christmas paper from Walmart. Wish *my* husband did our Christmas letter. (But, then again, maybe I don't. LOL)