Wednesday, April 18, 2007

It's Wednesday Night

Tim is rolling the paint in the hallway and I've finished cleaning brushes, so I thought I'd take a second (or few) to check in here. We've been working like crazy on the house and are really seeing results. It is a good feeling. We are motivated and taking advantage of that motivation. The hallway and kitchen ceiling was completed yesterday by me and today Tim did the trim and taped for the final color... what looks like coffee with lots of creme :) We replaced the kitchen light too. I finally took down the ugly wooden thing that spanned the cabinets over the sink. Is there a name for those things? It served no purpose other than to loom over my head as I washed dishes... but it's gone now!
We had snow over the weekend. I kept walking by the window in disbelief that it was really snowing this late in April. The kids even were off school Monday. Who would have thought of having a snow day after spring break? I guess that is life in the mountains. There is still snow on the ground, but at least the afternoons are a bit above freezing. Saturday before the weather hit, we headed over to the playground at the lake for a little while. Quin loves to swing and Faith still loves to swing. We spent a good portion of our time pushing the little ones. It was nice for us all to get out for a bit. Especially knowing what that weather brought. I have some pictures that aren't loading to the blog at this point, so I guess I'll have to share them later.
We got some bad news last week too. Hannah's Mexico trip has been cancelled. Gil (the youth pastor) talked to Tim in the hall at church in Philly and was pretty upset about having to cancel. There were not enough men signed up to go and after asking many guys, it just wasn't coming together. So for the first time in eight years, he had to cancel it. It was such a hard decision for him and I feel bad for him and the kids that were looking forward to it. But I trust that God has His reasoning for not allowing it this time. I told Tim that for the sake of the young people, I hope that reason is made evident. I think seeing an obvious reason that comes to light would be encouraging for them. However, certainly God knows what he is doing and we'll just go with that. Hannah was, as expected, disappointed and now rather bummed about her "boring summer". I have hopes that Gil will plan some local outreaches and other events for the group though, so maybe her summer won't be as boring as she thinks. I'm still waiting for spring to truly arrive, so it has been rather difficult to think too much about summer yet!


EBBsMum said...

I'm thinking Hannah needs to come to DC for a week this summer as a Mother's Helper with lots of field trips to the city planned! That won't be boring! :o)

Becca L. said...

Ok, first of all, can you pass some of the motivation this way? I'm tired of looking at white walls/"old lady" wallpaper, but haven't got enough motivation to have a go at it.

I am so sorry Hannah's mission trip got cancelled. I am sure it is all in Go's plan, but it still is a hard at that age.