Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Here is a picture of the floor in progress, it is now complete but I haven't taken a more recent photo :) I like how it turned out and definately improves the look of the entire space. We have all the baseboards back up and are prepping to paint those (again.). I began cutting baseboards for downstairs which has honestly been a real thrill for me. We had to replace several pieces from when we first moved in and I figured out how to measure them and cut them. Tim showed me how to use his cut-off mitre saw thing and it's really cool. What a feeling of accomplishment to cut wood and have it fit correctly :)

This next picture is proof that Quinton loves Strawberries. If he even sees a berry he cried until he gets some. Using a fork is a new skill of late and he is really excelling in it. Though he has gotten quite frustrated that you cannot eat pretzel sticks with a fork. And evidently, everything tastes better when on a fork.

School is officially out and the kids have been finding things to keep busy with. They covered the entire driveway with people pictures to the point that it resembled a mass murder scene with body outlines everywhere. Thankfully they colored them all in and it turned out very nicely. Of course they asked me to take a picture. How could I resist?

It has been lovely weather the last few days. The evening have gotten quite cool and it makes for great sleeping weather. Working on the house is the main thing on our schedule for the near future, but we are trying to plan a few day trips and some other short outings to add some excitement to the summer. More on those plans as they come together.

Everyone is well and we are thankful for that. Nothing much to report really :)

1 comment:

Angie @ Many Little Blessings said...

The flooring looks great, and so does the family! :) Glad that things are well with all of you right now!