Monday, March 19, 2007

Proof that I don't have it all together (in case anyone thought I did).

brag (v): to praise or express pride in one's own possessions, qualities, or accomplishments often to excess.

I'm in a mood and am finding there isn't an appropriate way to express this directly, so I'll use my blog to vent and hope that eases the frustration some. God help me. I'll get it out this way. Do you ever feel like telling someone... OK, ENOUGH ALREADY!! I'm sure there is some psychological aspect of jealousy at play here in some regard, but honestly after days and days and days I just am sick of hearing about it. Is this the appropriate time to reply "How nice for you!" ? I guess just saying "shut up" isn't a very polite response either is it?

I think I could use some sunshine and warm weather today. It is snowing though.


EBBsMum said...
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EBBsMum said...

Geez, you go to edit a little and it takes the whole thing...

I know what you mean, I know a person here where some days you have to wonder if she is truly clueless to how she comes off or does it on purpose to see people's reactions...

Becca L. said...

oh a big BTDT! Of course, I usually keep my mouth shut and end up hurting my tongue a lot!

I often wonder if people realize what they are saying can come across as offensive/hurtful to others especially when they keep going on and on about it. I don't know if it is so much a jealousy thing for me, but I think I feel bad for people who are in situations far worse than I am and how this might make them feel to be hearing about it day in and day out.

Angie @ Many Little Blessings said...

Amen! Definitely BTDT -- I just don't get people sometimes.